Are you new to New Faith Network? Then you can watch unlimited movies, series, speakers and other inspiring stories for free during the first 14 days. Click on the 'Register' button to create an account. Your chosen subscription will automatically start after your free trial. If you cancel before this time, no money will be debited from your account.
When you sign up for a free trial period, we ask you to transfer 0,03 GBP/0,03EUR/ 0,04 AUD / 0,04 NZD . This is a verification transaction. Carrying out a verification transaction will provide New Faith Network with the information needed to initiate an automatic collection and is necessary to make sure the subscription is being done in the right person’s name (verification of the identity) and to prevent fraud as much as possible.
If you sign up for the free trial period, you will give New Faith Network permission to charge 5,99 GBP / € 6.95 / 9,95 AUD / 9,95 NZD monthly from your bank account or credit card after your 14-day free trial period. This amount and term differ per subscription type that is chosen.
New Faith Network can be canceled at any time, you are not committed to anything. If you cancel during your free trial period, no money will be debited from your account.
Don't have a New Faith Network subscription yet? Start your free trial now.
Do you want to create an account? Go to and perform the following three steps:
1. Click on the 'Register' button.
2. Enter a valid email address and create a password.
3. Enter your payment details to use the 14-day free trial period. As a check, we ask you to carry out a verification transaction.
To ensure that you own the email address you provided, we will send a confirmation link to this email address. Click on this link to verify your account.